Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle (Boyle Robert)

Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle (Boyle Robert)

Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle (Boyle Robert)

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Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle (Boyle Robert) - popis produktu

The availability of a paperback version of Boyle's philosophical writings selected by M. A. Stewart will be a real service to teachers, students, and scholars with seventeenth-century interests. The editor has shown excellent judgment in bringing together many of the most important works and printing them, for the most part, in unabridged form. The texts have been edited responsibly with emphasis on readability. . . . Of special interest in connection with Locke and with the reception of Descarte's Corpuscularianism, to students of the Scientific Revolution and of the history of mechanical philosophy, and to those interested in the relations among science, philosophy, and religion. In fact, given the imperfections in and unavailability of the eighteenth-century editions of Boyle's works, this collection will benefit a wide variety of seventeenth-century scholars. -- Gary Hatfield,

Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle (Boyle Robert) - história ceny a dostupnosti

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